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Friday, 22 June 2012

Info Post

Happy Friday friends!  Any plans for the weekend?  We are going to drive up near Yosemite to hike around the giant Sequoia trees!  Sequoias are only found in small areas of the world, and it's quite amazing that we have a forest of them only a little over an hour away from Fresno.  I'll be sure to take many photos for the blog. :)

And now I want to take a moment to be serious.  I recently received a comment on my blog that was rather opinionated, and although I have received a comment like this before, this one really pissed me off.  Sorry, it might get a little sour for a moment, and I've tried to let this go, but I can't.

I've since deleted the comment, but it was something along the lines of "you could be cute and have a great blog, if you just took the time to iron your clothes".  It was in reference to this post here.  Okay, first of all, if you notice, the shorts are pleated at the bottom making the shorts looked wrinkled.  Second of all, I was wearing this outfit all day.  Running errands, playing with my son, and living my normal life.  I don't just wear clothes for my blog.  What you see, is what I actually wear.

Which brings me to my third of all.  I absolutely refuse to wear an outfit all day, which may or may not get wrinkled, and then take it off to iron it, and then put it all back on at the end of the day just to take photos for my blog.  I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen.  And if this person doesn't like it and thinks my blog won't "make it" because of that, then GTFO my blog and keep your fricking mouth shut.

I can't stand hate comments spewed over the internet.  Just because it's so easy to do it behind a computer doesn't mean it should/can be done.  I won't tolerate it, and I won't be told how I should look.

So to all those who come here and support me everyday with your kind words, know that it means the world to me.  And if you've ever thought about saying something nasty and never did it, well, then I thank you again.  There's too much negativity going around the world to be hating on someone because of their appearance.  Take the time today to say something nice to someone.  A compliment will go much further!

Have a great weekend, loves! <3

Tank Top: Vintage // Shorts: DIY Thrifted // Bag: Aldo (Crossroads) // Heels: Dolce Vita (TJ Maxx) // Rings: Forever 21


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